Diwali, the festivity of lights, is celebrated with full enthusiasm by the Indian people. The festival teaches people to spread love by foregoing the path of enmity. The celebration of the Diwali festivity continues for 5 days and each day has a different message and philosophy associated with it. In this article, we will provide you with information on the five days of Diwali.
The first day of Diwali is Dhanteras. It is also known as Dhantrayodashi or Dhanvantari Triodasiand sometimes spelled Dhan Teras. The name originates from Dhan which translates to Wealth. The day of Dhanteras is considered an auspicious day in Hinduism. It is a day for buying precious metals such as gold or silver for good luck, a day for worshiping Laxmi (the Goddess of wealth) with Lakshmi Pujas and diyas of clay. It is also the beginning of a new accounting year for many businesses.
Dhanteras falls on the 13th day of the Lunar month of Ashvin in the Hindu calendar on the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha Ashvin). Houses and business properties are being decorated with Rangolis. Lamps are kept burning during the night in adoration to God Yama (the God of Death) who did not manage to take the life of King Hima. He was doomed to die by a snakebite according to the legend. That's why this day is also called Yamadeepdaan.
Also, Dhanvantari (the physician of the Gods, an incarnation of Vishnu) is said to be born on this day during Samudra manthan, the churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. Hence people also celebrate his Birth Anniversary (Jayanti) on Dhanteras.
The second day of Diwali is Naraka Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali (Small Diwali). It is being celebrated on the 14th day of the dark half of the Hindu month Ashwin. This day is also known as Kali Chaudas in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Kali (meaning dark) is the "Goddess of Time, Change and Death". According to the legend, on this day Krishna (an incarnation of Vishnu) killed the demon Narakasura, an evil yet powerful overlord of the earth and the heavens. Krishna beheaded him after a long lasting fight with his Sudarshana Chakra, a powerful weapon in the form of a rotating disc. For this reason, the day celebrates to victory of good over evil and light over darkness.
To celebrate this day, many people perform Poojas for Lakshmi and Rama. They offer different foods to their Gods and wear new clothes after taking a fragrant oil bath. The next morning women make beautiful Rangoli in the house and in backyards. In South India this is the most important day of the festivities. People wake up before dawn to take a bath while the stars in the sky are still visible. It is said that this is equal to taking a bath in the holy river Ganges. This is the day where families and friends meet to get together for a hearty breakfast or lunch and singing songs.
The third day of Diwali is the most important day for people in North India and West India. This is the 15th day of the month Krishna Paksha Ashvin, the new moon day (Amavasya). Hindus devote this day performing Lakshmi Puja, worshiping the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and beauty. Also Ganesh as the God of auspicious beginnings and remover of obstacles is being worshiped. Diya lights (clay oil lamps) are lit in houses and streets to light up the path for Lakshmi who brings prosperity and wealth. All houses must be kept clean and pure during Diwali. It is said that Goddess Laxmi visits the cleanest house first as she really likes cleanliness.
The fourth day of Diwali (1 Kartika) celebrates the victory of Krishna over Indra, the god of heavens and the rain. When lord Indra tried to submerge Gokul, it is said that Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill with his little finger to save the people and cattle from the floods. In North India this day is also known as Annakoot (mountain of food). People cook huge amounts of foods during the night that are being piled up before the deities, symbolizing the Govardhan hill, as an offering to Krishna. In South India this day commemorates the victory of Vishnu over the demon-king Bali. It is also the first day in the Vikram Samvat calendar, marking the coronation of King Vikramaditya. Some men give little presents to their wives on this day.
The fifth and last day of Diwali is Bhaiduj, celebrated on 2 Kartika (Hindu month), the second day after new moon ("Dooj"). It is also known as Bhai Dooj or Bhaiya Duj. The words Bhai or Bhaiya mean brother. It is based on a story when Yama (God of Death) had a feast with his sister Yami. She put an auspicious tilak mark on his forehead for his well-being. Yama gave her a gift in return. That's why this day is also called "Yama Dwitiya". Until today, the same tradition is still being followed. Sisters pray (perform pujas) for their beloved brothers to protect them from harm and evil and also for their welfare. The brothers in return give gifts to their sisters as a sign of appreciation. Both often also enjoying meals together on this day. Bhai Duj is celebrated to strengthen the love between brothers and sisters.
Dhanteras falls on the 13th day of the Lunar month of Ashvin in the Hindu calendar on the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha Ashvin). Houses and business properties are being decorated with Rangolis. Lamps are kept burning during the night in adoration to God Yama (the God of Death) who did not manage to take the life of King Hima. He was doomed to die by a snakebite according to the legend. That's why this day is also called Yamadeepdaan.
Also, Dhanvantari (the physician of the Gods, an incarnation of Vishnu) is said to be born on this day during Samudra manthan, the churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. Hence people also celebrate his Birth Anniversary (Jayanti) on Dhanteras.
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Kali means Dark (evil) and Chaudas -
Fourteenth. Thus, celebrated 14th day of Ashwin, Kali Chaudas is the day
allotted to the worship of Maha-Kali or Shakti and is believed that on this day
Kali killed the wicked Raktavija. Also referred to as Narak-Chaturdashi, Kali
Chaudas is day to abolish laziness and evil which create hell in our life and
shine light on life. The strength to protect others is referred as Kali, and if
its used for God's work it is called Mahakali.
Kali Chaudous is also attached to the legend of Lord Hanuman. Hanumanji as a baby was very hungry. Whilst lying down he saw the sun in the sky and thought it was a fruit and went to pick it. He flew into the sky and put the whole sun in his mouth causing darkness throughout the entire universe. Lord Indra requested that Hanumanji return the sun. When Hanumanji refused, Lord Indra unleashed his vajra and knocked Hanumanji down to earth releasing the Sun.
On this day we offer poojan to Hanumanji as our Kuldev to protect us from Evil. The poojan is performed with oil, flowers, chandan and sindur. Coconuts are also offered to Hanumanji and prashad of Sesame seed, ladoos and rice with ghee and sugar.
The rituals of Kali Choudas is strongly suggestive of the origin of Deepavaali as an harvest festival is performed. On this day delicacies are prepared from pounded semi-cooked rice (called Poha or Pova). This rice is taken from the fresh harvest available at that time. This custom is prevalent both in rural and urban areas especially in Western India.
On this day, a head wash and application of kajal in the eyes is believed to keep away the kali nazar (evil eye). Some say that those who are into tantra, learn their 'mantras' on this day. Alternatively, people offer Nived (food) to the goddess that is local to where they are originally from. This goddess is called their 'Kul Devi', in order to cast off evil spirits. Some families also offer food to their forefathers on this day. The second day of Diwali is known as Kali Choudas in Gujarat, Rajasthan & few part of Maharashtra. This reverence is called "Kali Chaudas or Kal Chaturdasi".
Kali Chaudous is also attached to the legend of Lord Hanuman. Hanumanji as a baby was very hungry. Whilst lying down he saw the sun in the sky and thought it was a fruit and went to pick it. He flew into the sky and put the whole sun in his mouth causing darkness throughout the entire universe. Lord Indra requested that Hanumanji return the sun. When Hanumanji refused, Lord Indra unleashed his vajra and knocked Hanumanji down to earth releasing the Sun.
On this day we offer poojan to Hanumanji as our Kuldev to protect us from Evil. The poojan is performed with oil, flowers, chandan and sindur. Coconuts are also offered to Hanumanji and prashad of Sesame seed, ladoos and rice with ghee and sugar.
The rituals of Kali Choudas is strongly suggestive of the origin of Deepavaali as an harvest festival is performed. On this day delicacies are prepared from pounded semi-cooked rice (called Poha or Pova). This rice is taken from the fresh harvest available at that time. This custom is prevalent both in rural and urban areas especially in Western India.
On this day, a head wash and application of kajal in the eyes is believed to keep away the kali nazar (evil eye). Some say that those who are into tantra, learn their 'mantras' on this day. Alternatively, people offer Nived (food) to the goddess that is local to where they are originally from. This goddess is called their 'Kul Devi', in order to cast off evil spirits. Some families also offer food to their forefathers on this day. The second day of Diwali is known as Kali Choudas in Gujarat, Rajasthan & few part of Maharashtra. This reverence is called "Kali Chaudas or Kal Chaturdasi".
Kali Chaudas Nishita Puja Time = 23:38 to 24:31+
Duration = 0 Hours 52 Mins
Day 2: Choti Diwali / Naraka Chaturdashi
(2nd November 2012)
To celebrate this day, many people perform Poojas for Lakshmi and Rama. They offer different foods to their Gods and wear new clothes after taking a fragrant oil bath. The next morning women make beautiful Rangoli in the house and in backyards. In South India this is the most important day of the festivities. People wake up before dawn to take a bath while the stars in the sky are still visible. It is said that this is equal to taking a bath in the holy river Ganges. This is the day where families and friends meet to get together for a hearty breakfast or lunch and singing songs.
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