Thursday 6 December 2012

December 6,2012.Day 22. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties : Chapter 1(Continued)

स सत्य वचनात् राजा धर्म पाशेन संयतः |
विवासयामास सुतम् रामम् दशरथः प्रियम् || १-१-२३
23. saH raajaa dasharathaH = he, king, Dasharatha; satya vacanaat = truthfulness, of [his plighted] word; dharma paashena = righteousness, by halter of; samyataH = bound by; priyam sutam raamam = dear, son, Rama; vi vaasayaamaasa = started to displace - exiled to forests.

"Bound by the truthfulness of his plighted word and by the halter of righteousness that king Dasharatha exiled his dear son Rama to forests. [1-1-23]

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