Friday 7 December 2012

December 7,2012.Day 23. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties : Chapter 1(Continued)

स जगाम वनम् वीरः प्रतिज्ञाम् अनुपालयन् |
पितुर् वचन निर्देशात् कैकेय्याः प्रिय कारणात् || १-१-२४
24. viiraH saH = brave one, he [that Rama]; kaikeyyaaH priya nkaaraNaat = Kaikeyi, to appease, by reason of; pituH vacana nirdeshaat = by father's, verbal, directive; pratij~naam = promise - his own pledge to adhere to his father's word, or, promise of his father to Kaikeyi; anu paalayan = to follow through; vanam jagaama = to forests, repaired to.

"Such a brave one as he is, that Rama repaired to forest for the reason of appeasing Kaikeyi, and as directed by the verbal directive of his father, and to follow his father's word of honour. [1-1-24]

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