Saturday 8 December 2012

December 8,2012.Day 24. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties : Chapter 1(Continued)

तम् व्रजंतम् प्रियो भ्राता लक्ष्मणः अनुजगाम ह |
स्नेहात् विनय संपन्नः सुमित्र आनंद वर्धनः || १-१-२५
भ्रातरम् दयितो भ्रातुः सौभ्रात्रम् अनु दर्शयन् |
25, 26a. vinaya sampannaH = humbleness, abounding; bhraatuH dayitaH = to brother Rama, fondly [to Rama]; priya bhraataa = dear [natural brotherly affection,] brother; lakshmanaH = Lakshmana; sumitra ananda vardhanaH = [his mother] Sumitra's, happiness, duly augmenting; saubhraatram anu darshayan = [ideals of] brotherhood, exemplifying; vrajantam tam bhraataram = who is going, him [Rama,] with brother [Rama]; snehaat anu jagaama ha = heartily, in tow, followed, indeed.
"In whom humbleness and the natural brotherly affection of a brother are abounding, such a fondly younger brother of Rama, namely Lakshmana, indeed heartily followed his forest going brother Rama, exemplifying the ideals of brotherhood, thus augmenting the happiness of his mother Sumitra. [1-1-25, 26a]

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