Wednesday 5 December 2012

December 5,2012.Day 100. BHAGAVAD GITA - As It Is Original by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Chapter 2. (Continued) TEXT 57.

  Chapter 2. Contents of the Gita Summarized
  yah sarvatranabhisnehas 
tat tat prapya subhasubham
nabhinandati na dvesti
tasya prajna pratisthita
         yah--one who; sarvatra--everywhere; anabhisnehah--without affection; tat--that; tat--that; prapya--achieving; subha--good;asubham--evil; na--never; abhinandati--praise; na--never; dvesti--envies; tasya--his; prajna--perfect knowledge; pratisthita--fixed.
         He who is without attachment, who does not rejoice when he obtains good, nor lament when he obtains evil, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge. 
     There is always some upheaval in the material world which may be good or evil. One who is not agitated by such material upheavals, who is unaffected by good and evil, is to be understood to be fixed in Krsna consciousness. As long as one is in the material world there is always the possibility of good and evil because this world is full of duality. But one who is fixed in Krsna consciousness is not affected by good and evil, because he is simply concerned with Krsna, who is all-good absolute. Such consciousness in Krsna situates one in a perfect transcendental position called, technically, samadhi.

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