Every human being deserves to live
in a consecrated space. Consecration is a live process. It is like this: if you
transform mud into food, we call this agriculture. If you make food into flesh
and bone, we call this digestion, integration. If you make flesh into mud, we
call this cremation. If you can make this flesh or even a stone or an empty
space into a divine possibility, that is called consecration. Today, science is
telling you that everything is the same energy manifesting itself in a million
different ways. If that is so, what you call the Divine, what you call a stone,
what you call a man or a woman, what you call a demon, are all the same energy
functioning in different ways. For example, the same electricity becomes light, sound and so many other
things, depending upon the technology. So it is just a question of technology;
if you have the necessary technology, you can make the simple space around you
into a Divine exuberance; you can just take a piece of rock and make it into a
god or goddess; this is the phenomenon of consecration. Because it does
not matter what you are eating, how you are or how long you live; at some
point, a need will come that you want to get in touch with the source of
Creation. If that possibility is not created across the planet and is not
available to every human being who seeks, then society has failed to provide
true wellbeing for a human being. It is with this awareness that in our
culture, every street had three temples; because even a few metres should not
pass without there being a consecrated space. The idea was not to create one
temple versus the other; the idea was that nobody should walk in a space which
is not consecrated; nobody should live in a space which is not consecrated. The
temple was always built first, and then houses were built. The whole state
of Tamil Nadu is built like this. Agastya muni was sent to South India by Shiva
– the Aadhi Yogi, or the first yogi. He consecrated every human habitation
south of the Deccan Plateau in some form and made sure that a live spiritual
process was on. He did not spare a single human habitation. They say it took
him 4,000 years of work. We do not know whether it is 4,000 or 400 or 140 – but
looking at the phenomenal amount of work and the amount of travel that he did,
he obviously lived an extraordinary lifespan. Every significant town in
Tamil Nadu had a grand temple and around that, a little town. Because the kind
of dwelling you live in is not important. Whether your house is 10,000 square
feet or just 1,000 square feet is not going to make an ultimate difference in
your life, but being around a consecrated space is going to make a phenomenal
difference in your life. With this understanding, they built human habitations
like this: if there are 25 houses, there must be one temple. Whether you go
there or not, whether you pray or not, whether you know the mantra or not, is
not the point. You must be in a consecrated space every moment of your life.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
June 29,2013.Day 241 . BHAGAVAD GITA - As It Is.Original by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Chapter 6.TEXT :17
yukta-cestasya karmasu
yogo bhavati duhkha-ha
yukta-cestasya karmasu
yogo bhavati duhkha-ha
June 29,2013.Day 163. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)
Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties ASHVA-MEDHA BEGUN;
Chapter [Sarga] 13
तथा वसिष्ठ वचनात् ऋष्यशृन्गस्य च उभयोः |
दिवसे शुभ नक्षत्रे निर्यातो जगतीपतिः || १-१३-३९
दिवसे शुभ नक्षत्रे निर्यातो जगतीपतिः || १-१३-३९
39. tathaa vashiSTa vachanaat = thus, by Vashishta's word [advise]; R^iSyasR^ingasya cha = of Rishyasringa, also; ubhayoH = by [the word of] both; shubhe divasa = on a good, day; nakshatre = star [of that day matching]; niryaataH = came forth; jagatii patiH = world's lord [King Dasharatha.]
Thus, on a good day while the ruling star of the day is favourable, King Dasharatha came forth towards the ritual hall according to the advice of both the sages Vashishta and Rishyasringa. [1-13-39]
In undertaking of auspicious works, Hindus watch out for date, day, and the star of the day, called tithi, vaara, nakshatra in accordance with astrological import. In addition to these three are two more yoga and karaNa , which when added together this becomes panchaanga, five-aspects of time, which are essential to verify before conducting any auspicious work.
ततो वसिष्ठ प्रमुखाः सर्व एव द्विजोत्तमाः |
ऋष्यशृन्गम् पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञ कर्म आरभन् तदा || १-१३-४०
ऋष्यशृन्गम् पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञ कर्म आरभन् तदा || १-१३-४०
40. tataH vashiSTa pramukhaaH = then, Vashishta, and other eminent ones; sarva eva dwija uttamaaH = all, thus, Brahmans, eminent;R^isyasR^ingam puraskritya = Rishyasringa, keeping ahead of; yajna karma aarabhan tadaa = ritual, works, commenced, thus.
Then Sage Vashishta and other eminent Brahmans keeping the Sage Rishyasringa ahead of them entered the ritual hall, to commence the ritual works thus. [1-13-40]
यज्ञ वाटम् गताः सर्वे यथा शास्त्रम् यथा विधि |
श्रीमान् च सह पत्नीभी राजा दीक्षाम् उपाविशत् || १-१३-४१
श्रीमान् च सह पत्नीभी राजा दीक्षाम् उपाविशत् || १-१३-४१
41. sarve yaj~na vaaTa gataaH = all, to ritual hall, on going; yathaa shaastram yathaa vidhi = as per canons, as per custom; shriimaan raajaa = illustroious, king Dasharatha; saha patniibhii = with, his wives; diikshaam upaavishat = king, ritual vow, undertook.
When all have entered the ritual hall as per canons and custom, that glorious king Dasharatha along with his wives undertook vow of ritual. [1-13-41]
इति श्री वाल्मिकि रामायणे बालकाण्डे त्रयोदशः सर्गः
Thus, this is the end of 13th chapter in Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.
The content of this page has been taken from
Friday, 28 June 2013
June 28,2013.Day 240 . BHAGAVAD GITA - As It Is.Original by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Chapter 6.TEXT :16
naty-asnatas 'tu yogo 'sti
na caikantam anasnatah
na cati-svapna-silasya
jagrato naiva carjuna
na caikantam anasnatah
na cati-svapna-silasya
jagrato naiva carjuna
June 28,2013.Day 162. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)
Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties ASHVA-MEDHA BEGUN;
Chapter [Sarga] 13
ते च कर्मान्तिकाः सर्वे वसिष्ठाय च महर्षये |
सर्वम् निवेदयन्ति स्म यज्ञे यत् उपकल्पितम् || १-१३-३२
32. te karma antikaaH sarve = those, artisans, all; yaj~ne yat upakalpitam = in ritual, works, that are accomplished; vashiSTyaa, maharSaye = to Vashishta, to the sage; sarvam nivedayanti sma = all details, have, reported.
All those artisans engaged in ritual works have reported Vashishta, the details of all those ritual works that are accomplished. [1-13-32]
ततः प्रीतो द्विज श्रेष्ठः तान् सर्वान् मुनिर् अब्रवीत् |
अवज्ञया न दातव्यम् कस्य चित् लीलया अपि वा || १-१३-३३
अवज्ञया कृतम् हन्यात् दातारम् न अत्र संशयः |
33, 34a. tataH priitaH dwija shreshtaH muniH = then, satisfied, Brahman, eminent, saint, Sage Vashishta; taan sarvaan abraviit = to, all of them, said;avaj~nayaa na daatavyam = with disrespect, not, to be endowed; kasya chit liilaya api vaa = to anyone, deceptively, also, either; avaj~nayaa kR^itam hanyaat daataaram = with disrespect, done [deeds,] will kill, donor; na atra samshayam = not, there, any doubt.
Then, that satisfied saint and eminent Brahman Vashishta, spoke this way to all of them, "nothing is to be endowed to anyone either with disrespect or deceptively, the deeds done with disrespect will kill the donor and there is no doubt about it." [1-13-33, 34a]
ततः कैश्चित् अहो रात्रैः उपयाता महीक्षितः || १-१३-३४
बहूनि रत्नानि आदाय राज्ञो दशरथस्य ह |
34b, 35a. tataH = then; mahiikshitaH = kings; raaj~naH dasharathasya = for king, Dasharatha; bahuuni ratnaani aadaaya = very many, precious gems, taking; kaiH chit aho raatraiH upayaataa = in some, days and nights, arrived.
Then in some days and nights many kings have arrived taking precious gems with them as gifts for Dasharatha. [1-13-34b, 35a]
ततो वसिष्ठः सुप्रीतो राजानम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || १-१३-३५
उपयाता नर व्याघ्र राजानः तव शासनात् |
मया अपि सत्कृताः सर्वे यथा अर्हम् राज सत्तम || १-१३-३६
35b, 36. tataH vashiSThaH su priitaH = then, Vashishta, well, pleased; raajaanam idam abraviit = to king, this, said; upayaataa nara vyaaghraH = arrived are, oh, manly tiger; raajanaH tava shaashanaat = kings, at your, behest; maya api satkR^itaaH sarve = by me, also, well honoured, all; yatha arham raaja sattamaaaH = as per their status, kings, the great.
Then the well pleased Sage Vashishta said this to King Dasharatha "the kings from distant kingdoms have arrived at your behest, oh, tigerly-man, and thse best kings are well honoured by me also as per their status. [1-13-35b, 36]
यज्ञीयम् च कृतम् सर्वम् पुरुषैः सुसमाहितैः |
निर्यातु च भवान् यष्टुम् यज्ञ आयतनम् अन्तिकात् || १-१३-३७
37. yaj~niiyam sarvam cha kR^itam = ritual works, all, also, completed; su samaahitaiH puruSaiH = well, coalesced, by men; bhavaan yaSTum = you, to perform ritual; antikaan yajna aayatanam niryaatu = that is nearby, ritual hall, you may proceed.
"All the ritual works are also completed by the well coalescent men, thus you may start towards the ritual place that is nearby, to perform your ritual." Said Sage Vashishta to King Dasharatha. [1-13-37]
सर्वकामैः उपहृतैः उपेतम् वै समन्ततः |
द्रष्टुम् अर्हसि राजेन्द्र मनसेव विनिर्मितम् || १-१३-३८
38. raajendra = oh, best king; upahR^itaiH sarva kaamaiH = arranged around, with all, desirables [paraphernalia]; samantataH upetam vai = everywhere, available, indeed; manasaa vi nirmitam eva = by wish, built, as though; [this ritual hall]; draSTum arhasi = to see, apt of you.
"All the desirable paraphernalia is arranged and made available everywhere, and it is apt of you see ritual hall that is as though built by your mere wish. [1-13-38]
The content of this page has been taken from
सर्वम् निवेदयन्ति स्म यज्ञे यत् उपकल्पितम् || १-१३-३२
अवज्ञया न दातव्यम् कस्य चित् लीलया अपि वा || १-१३-३३
अवज्ञया कृतम् हन्यात् दातारम् न अत्र संशयः |
बहूनि रत्नानि आदाय राज्ञो दशरथस्य ह |
उपयाता नर व्याघ्र राजानः तव शासनात् |
मया अपि सत्कृताः सर्वे यथा अर्हम् राज सत्तम || १-१३-३६
निर्यातु च भवान् यष्टुम् यज्ञ आयतनम् अन्तिकात् || १-१३-३७
द्रष्टुम् अर्हसि राजेन्द्र मनसेव विनिर्मितम् || १-१३-३८
Thursday, 27 June 2013
June 27,2013.Day 239 . BHAGAVAD GITA - As It Is.Original by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Chapter 6.TEXT :15
yunjann evam sadatmanam
yogi niyata-manasah
santim nirvana-paramam
mat-samstham adhigacchati
yogi niyata-manasah
santim nirvana-paramam
mat-samstham adhigacchati
June 27,2013.Day 161. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)
Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
Chapter [Sarga] 13
तथा कोसल राजानम् भानुमंतम् सुसत्कृतम् |
मगध अधिपतिम् शूरम् सर्व शास्त्र विशारदम् || १-१३-२६
मगध अधिपतिम् शूरम् सर्व शास्त्र विशारदम् || १-१३-२६
अङ्गेश्वरम् महेष्वासम् रोमपादम् सु सत्कृतम् |
वयस्यम् राज सिंहस्य सपुत्रम् तम् इह आनय || १-१३-२५
वयस्यम् राज सिंहस्य सपुत्रम् तम् इह आनय || १-१३-२५
25. anga iiswaram = Anga kingdom's, lord; maha iSvaasam = great bow, user of; raaja simhasya = king, the Lion [Dasharatha]; vayasyam = friend of;yashashvinam = illustrious one; romapaadam su satkritam = Romapada, well, honoured, sam aanaya = well, be invited.
"Romapada, the lord of Anga kingdom and the user of great bow, let that illustrious one be invited well honoured, for he is the friend of our lion-king Dasharatha. [1-13-25]
26. tathaa kosala raajaanam = like that, Kosala's, king; bhaanumantam = Bhanumanta; susatkR^itam = well honoured; magadha adhipatim = Magadha, king;shuuram = brave one; sarva shaastra vishaaradam = in all scriptures, profound.
"Like that King of Kosala namely Bhanumanta, and the King of Magadha, a brave one and a profound one in all scriptural knowledge, let them be honoured well and be invited. [1-13-26]
प्राप्तिज्ञम् परमोदारम् सुसत्कृतम् पुरुषर्षभम् |
राज्ञः शासनम् आदाय चोदयस्व नृपर्षभान् |
प्राचीनान् सिन्धु सौवीरान् सौराष्ठ्रेयाम् च पार्थिवान् || १-१३-२७
राज्ञः शासनम् आदाय चोदयस्व नृपर्षभान् |
प्राचीनान् सिन्धु सौवीरान् सौराष्ठ्रेयाम् च पार्थिवान् || १-१३-२७
27. praaptij~nam = Praaptijna, the king of Magadha; parama udaaram = kind-hearted one; susatkR^itam = well honoured; puruSarSabham = king, the best;raaj~naH shaasanam aadaaya = king's, orders, taking; chodayasva = motivated by it; nR^iparSabhaan = kings, the best; praaciinaan = eastern regional kings;sindhu sauviiraan sauraaSThreyaam ca paarthivaan = Sindhu, Sauviira, Sauraastra, also, kings of.
"And Praaptijna, the king of Magadha, the kind-hearted and best one among kings, be well honoured and invited. Further, taking the orders of King Dasharatha and motivated by those orders, the kings of Sindhu, Sauviira and Sauraastra kingdoms may also be invited. [1-13-27]
दाक्षिणात्यान् नरेन्द्राम् च समस्तान् आनयस्व ह |
सन्ति स्निग्धाः च ये च अन्ये राजानः पृथिवी तले || १-१३-२८
तान् आनय यथा क्षिप्रम् स अनुगान् सह बान्धवान् |
एतान् दूतैः महाभागैः आनयस्व नृप आज्ञ्या || १-१३-२९
सन्ति स्निग्धाः च ये च अन्ये राजानः पृथिवी तले || १-१३-२८
तान् आनय यथा क्षिप्रम् स अनुगान् सह बान्धवान् |
एतान् दूतैः महाभागैः आनयस्व नृप आज्ञ्या || १-१३-२९
28, 29. daakSiNaatyaan narendraam ca = southern kingdoms', kings, also; samastaan aanayasva ha = all of them, be invited, verily; santi snigdhaaH cha ye cha anye = should there be, friends, other, those, also, other; raajaanaH pridhvii tale = kings, on earth's, surface; taan aanaya yathaa kshipram = them, be invited, as early as; sa anugaan saha baandhavaan = along with, followers, along with, their relatives; etaan mahaabhaagaiH duutaiH = them, highly illustrious ones, through envoys; aanayasva nR^ipa aaj~nyaa = invite them, by king's, orders.
"All of the kings of southern kingdoms be invited, and should there be any other friends and other friendly kings on the surface of the earth, they too shall be invited as early as possible with all their followers, relatives through highly illustrious envoys, of course with the orders of our king." Thus Sage Vashishta said to minister Sumantra. [1-13-28, 29]
वसिष्ठ वाक्यम् तत् श्रुत्वा सुमंत्रः त्वरितः तदा |
व्यादिशत् पुरुषान् तत्र राज्ञाम् आनयने शुभान् || १-१३-३०
व्यादिशत् पुरुषान् तत्र राज्ञाम् आनयने शुभान् || १-१३-३०
30. tat vashiSTa vaakyam shrutvaa = that, Sage Vashishta's, words, on hearing; tadaa sumantraH tvaritaH = then, Sumantra, expeditiously; raajnanam tatra aanayane = kings, there [to their kingdom,] for inviting; shubhaan puruSaan vyaadishat = devout men, envoys, men, ordered.
On hearing that word of Vashishta, Sumantra expeditiously ordered devout envoys to invite all those kings to their kingdom. [1-13-30]
स्वयम् एव हि धर्मात्मा प्रयातो मुनि शासनात् |
सुमंत्रः त्वरितो भूत्वा समानेतुम् महामतिः || १-१३-३१
सुमंत्रः त्वरितो भूत्वा समानेतुम् महामतिः || १-१३-३१
31. dharmaatmaa sumantraH = virtuous one, Sumantra; muni shaashanaat = by sage's, orders; twaritaH bhuutva = brisk, on becoming; samaanetum mahii kshitaH = to fetch, earth's, rulers; svayam eva prayayaataH = personally, thus, journeyed.
That virtuous Sumantra became brisk upon sage's words and personally journeyed to fetch all the rulers on the earth. [1-13-31]
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