Chapter 3. Karma-yoga
ye tv etad abhyasuyanto
nanutisthanti me matam
sarva-jnana-vimudhams tan
viddhi nastan acetasah
ye--those; tu--however; etat--this; abhyasuyantah--out of envy; na--do not; anutisthanti--regularly perform; me--My; matam--injunction;sarva-jnana--all sorts of knowledge; vimudhan--perfectly befooled; tan--they are; viddhi--know it well; nastan--all ruined; acetasah--without Krsna consciousness.
But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly, are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and doomed to ignorance and bondage.
The flaw of not being Krsna conscious is clearly stated herein. As there is punishment for disobedience to the order of the supreme executive head, so there is certainly punishment for the disobedience of the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A disobedient person, however great he may be, is ignorant of his own self, of the Supreme Brahman, and Paramatma and the Personality of Godhead, due to a vacant heart. Therefore there is no hope of perfection of life for him.
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