एवम् उक्त्वा धनुर्मध्ये बध्वा मुष्टिम् अरिन्दमः |
ज्या घोषम् अकरोत् तीव्रम् दिशः शब्देन नादयन् || १-२६-६
6. arindam = enemy-destroyer, Rama; evam uktvaa = thus, on saying; dhanuH madhye muSTim badhvaa = at bow's, middle [on handgrip,] clenching, his fist; shabdena dishaH naadayan = by sound, directions, make them to blast; tiivram jyaa ghoSam akarot = thunderous, bowstring's, sound, made.
Saying thus, Rama, the enemy-destroyer, clenched his left fist on the handgrip in the middle of the bow, and with the right he made a thunderous sound of the bowstring making all the directions to blast. [1-26-6]
तेन शब्देन वित्रस्ताः ताटका वन वासिनः |
ताटका च सुसंक्रुद्धा तेन शब्देन मोहिता || १-२६-७
7. taTaka vana vaasinaH = Tataka, forest, inhabitants; tena shabdena vitrastaaH = by that, sound, startled; taaTakaa cha = Tataka is, even; tena shabdena mohitaa = by that, sound, stupefied; su sam kruddhaa = well, fully, angering ? intolerably infuriated.
By that sound the inhabitants of Tataka forest are startled, and even Tataka is stupefied by that sound, and she is intolerably infuriated at it. [1-26-7]
तम् शब्दम् अभिनिध्याय राक्षसी क्रोध मूर्चिता |
श्रुत्वा च अभ्यद्रवत् क्रुद्धा यत्र शब्दो विनिस्सृतः || १-२६-८
8. rakshasii = demoness; tam shabdam shrutvaa = that, sound, on hearing; krodha muurchitaH = in anger, convulsed; abhi nidhyaaya = thinking awhile - giving attention to the pathway it emerged; yataH shabdaH viniHsrutaH = from where, sound, emerged; in that way; kruddhaa abhya dravat = rancorously, rushed [to there.]
She who is convulsed in anger to hear that sound gave attention to the direction wherefrom it emerged and she rancorously rushed thereto. [1-26-8]
ताम् दृष्ट्वा राघवः क्रुद्धाम् विकृताम् विकृत आननाम् |
प्रमाणेन अति वृद्धाम् च लक्ष्मणम् सोऽभ्यभाषत || १-२६-९
9. saH = he; that Raaghava; vi kR^itaam = monstrous one; vikR^ita aananam = with distorted, faced; pramaaNena ati vR^iddham cha = by proportions, very, gigantic, also; kR^iddhaam = infuriated one; taam dR^iSTvaa = her, on seeing; lakshmaNam abhya bhaashata = to Lakshmana, Rama, spoke.
Raghava on seeing that monstrous-looking demoness with a distorted face and who by proportions is very gigantic, furthermore infuriated, spoke to Lakshmana. [1-26-9]
पश्य लक्ष्मण यक्षिण्या भैरवम् दारुणम् वपुः |
भिद्येरन् दर्शनात् अस्या भीरूणाम् हृदयानि च || १-२६-१०
10. lakshmana = Lakshmana; pasya = see; yakshiNyaa bhairavam daaruNam vapuH = yakshii's, grisly, ghastly, physique; asyaa darshanaat = its [body's,] on seeing; bhiiruuNaam hR^idayaani bhidyeran = cowards', hearts, bursts.
"Lakshmana, see that yakshii's grisly and ghastly physique, seeing which hearts of cowards are prone to burst. [1-26-10]
एताम् पश्य दुराधर्षाम् माया बल समन्विताम् |
विनिवृत्ताम् करोमि अद्य हृत कर्णाग्र नासिकाम् || १-२६-११
11. duraadharSaam = unstoppable one; maayaa bala samanvitaam = magical, powers, having; etaam = her; hR^ita karNa agra naasikaam = taking away [lopping off,] [her] ears, tip of the nose; vi nivR^ittaam = [made to] ready retreat; adya karomi = now, I will make; pasya = you may see.
" She is unstoppable and has magical powers, is't, you may see now how I will make her to readily retreat by lopping off her ears and the tip of nose. [1-26-11]