Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
16.Yagna purusha presents divine dessert as fruit of ritual
Vishnu agrees to incarnate as human and selects Dasharatha as his father. And when Dasharatha is performing the Vedic ritual called putrakaameSTi a deity called praajaapatya purusha arises from the sacrificial fire to give a golden vessel of divine dessert to Dasharatha for distribution among his queens to beget progeny. The three queens on consuming that dessert conceive their children.
ततो नारायणो देवो विषुणुः नियुक्तः सुर सत्तमैः |
जानन् अपि सुरान् एवम् श्लक्ष्णम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || १-१६-१
जानन् अपि सुरान् एवम् श्लक्ष्णम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || १-१६-१
1. tataH = later; niyuktaH sura sattamaiH = nominated, by gods, best ones; naaraayaNaH vishNuH = Narayana, Vishnu - Omnipresent; jaanan api = he knows [outcome,] though; suraan evam slakSNam vachanam abraviit = with gods, this way, gently, words, spoke.
Later when the Omnipresent Narayana is thus nominated by best gods, and though he knows the outcome, he gently spoke these words to gods in this way. [1-16-1]
The name Vishnu indicates his all pervading Omnipresence in all beings, sessile or mobile: vyaapitvaat sarva bhuuteSu vishnuH iti abhidhiiyate. This is one of his thousand names, called Vishnu sahasra naama , each name elucidating his attributes.
उपायः को वधे तस्य राक्ष्साधिपतेः सुराः |
यम् अहम् तम् समास्थाय निहन्याम् ऋषि कण्टकम् || १-१६-२
यम् अहम् तम् समास्थाय निहन्याम् ऋषि कण्टकम् || १-१६-२
2. suraaH = oh gods; raakshasa adhipateH tasya vadhe = demon's, chief, [namely Ravana,] in his, elimination; upaayaH kaH = idea, what is; yam samasthaaya = which [stratej~n,] on adoting; R^ishi kanTakam tam aham nihanyaam = for sages, thorny, him, I can, eliminate.
"What is the idea to eliminate that demon's chief Ravana, oh, gods, adopting which stratej~n I will have to eliminate that thorn in the side of sages?" Thus Vishnu asked the gods. [1-16-2]
एवम् उक्ताः सुराः सर्वे प्रत्यूचुः विष्णुम् अव्ययम् |
मानुषम् रूपम् आस्थाय रावणम् जहि संयुगे || १-१६-३
मानुषम् रूपम् आस्थाय रावणम् जहि संयुगे || १-१६-३
3. evam uktaaH suraaH sarve = thus, spoken, gods, all; a vyayam viSNuum = imperishable, to Vishnu; prati uuchuH = in reply, said; maanuSam tanum aasthaaya = of human, body, form, on assuming; raavaNam jahi samyuge = Ravana, kill, in war.
Asked thus all the gods said to that sempiternal Vishnu, "on assuming a human form, eliminate Ravana in a war." [1-16-3]
स हि तेपे तपः तीव्रम् दीर्घ कालम् अरिंदम |
येन तुष्टोऽभवत् ब्रह्मा लोक कृत् लोक पूर्वजः || १-१६-४
येन तुष्टोऽभवत् ब्रह्मा लोक कृत् लोक पूर्वजः || १-१६-४
4. arim dama = oh, enemy, destroyer; saH diirgha kaalam tiivram tapaH tepeH = he [Ravana,] for a long period, vehement, ascesis, undertook; yena = by which - thereby; loka kR^it = worlds, creator; and loka puurva jaH = in worlds, earliest, born one - Brahma; tuSTaH abhavat = glad, he become.
"Oh, destroyer of enemies, he that Ravana undertook a vehement ascesis for a long period, thereby the creator of worlds and the first born one Brahma, felt gladsome of his ascesis. [1-16-4]
सन्तुष्टः प्रददौ तस्मै राक्षसाय वरम् प्रभुः |
नानाविधेभ्यो भूतेभ्यो भयम् न अन्यत्र मानुषात् || १-१६-५
अवज्ञाताः पुरा तेन वरदाने हि मानवाः |
नानाविधेभ्यो भूतेभ्यो भयम् न अन्यत्र मानुषात् || १-१६-५
अवज्ञाताः पुरा तेन वरदाने हि मानवाः |
5, 6a. santushtaaH prabhu = satisfied, Brahma; tasmai raakshasaaya maanushaat anyatra = to him, to demon Ravana, from human, other than; naanaa vidhebhyaH bhuutebhyaH = many a, kinds of, beings; bhayam na = danger, is not there; [iti = thus]; varam pradadau = boon, gave; puraa = earlier; vara daane [samaye] = while boon, being bestowed [at that time]; tena maanavaaH avaj~naataH hi = by him, humans, are slighted, indeed.
"Satisfied with his ascesis Brahma gave boon to that demon that he shall have no fear for his life from many kinds of beings, excepting humans, because that demon indeed slighted humans earlier at the time of bestowing boon. [1-16-5, 6a]

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