Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
16.Yagna purusha presents divine dessert as fruit of ritual
एवम् पितामहात् तस्मात् वरदानेन गर्वितः || १-१६-६
उत्सादयति लोकान् त्रीईन् स्त्रियः च अपि अपकर्षति |
तस्मात् तस्य वधो दृष्टो मानुषेभ्यः परन्तप || १-१६-७
उत्सादयति लोकान् त्रीईन् स्त्रियः च अपि अपकर्षति |
तस्मात् तस्य वधो दृष्टो मानुषेभ्यः परन्तप || १-१६-७
6b, 7. evam tasmaat pitaamahaat = thus, from him, the Forefather Brahma; vara daanena garvitaH = by boon, according, becoming arrogant; utsaadayat lokaanm triin = torturing, worlds, three; striyaH api apakarSati cha = women, even, abducting, also; tasmaat paramtapa = therefore, oh, enemy, destroyer Vishnu;tasya vadhaH = his, elimination; maanushebhyaH dR^iSTaH = by humans, is envisaged.
"Thus, on getting boon from the Forefather Brahma he has become arrogant and torturing the three worlds, and he is even abducting women. As such, oh, enemy destroyer Vishnu, his elimination is envisaged through humans alone." So said gods to Vishnu. [1-16-6b, 7]
इति एतत् वचनम् श्रुत्वा सुराणाम् विष्णुः आत्मवान् |
पितरम् रोचयामास तदा दशरथम् नृपम् || १-१६-८
पितरम् रोचयामास तदा दशरथम् नृपम् || १-१६-८
8. iti suraaNaam etat vachanam shrutvaa = this way, of the gods, that, speech, on hearing; Vishnu; aatmavaan = kind-hearted one; tadaa dasharatham nR^ipam = then, Dasharatha, king; pitaram rochayaamaasa = as father, started to choose.
On hearing that speech of gods said that way, he that kind-hearted Vishnu then chose Dasharatha as his father in human world. [1-16-8]
स च अपि अपुत्रो नृपतिः तस्मिन् काले महाद्युतिः |
अयजत् पुत्रियाम् इष्टिम् पुत्रेप्सुः अरिसूदनः ||१-१६-९
अयजत् पुत्रियाम् इष्टिम् पुत्रेप्सुः अरिसूदनः ||१-१६-९
9. tasmin kaale = during that time; mahaa dyutiH = great resplendent one; ari suudanaH = enemy, subduer [Dasharatha]; saH nR^ipatiH = he, that king; a putraH = without, progeny; putra iipsuH = children, he is desiring; putriyaam iSTim api = for sons, ritual, even; ayajaH cha = performed, also.
During that time the great resplendent king and an enemy subduer Dasharatha is performing putrakaameSTi ritual, desiring progeny as he is sonless. [1-16-9]
स कृत्वा निश्चयम् विष्णुः आमन्त्र्य च पितामहम् |
अन्तर्धानम् गतो देवैः पूज्य मानो महर्षिभिः || १-१६-१०
अन्तर्धानम् गतो देवैः पूज्य मानो महर्षिभिः || १-१६-१०
10. saH vishnuH kR^itvaa nischayam = he, Vishnu, making - taking, decision; pitaamahaH aamantrya cha = from Forefather [Brahma,] took leave of, also;devaiH maharSibhiH puujyamaanaH = by gods, saints, while being extolled; antardhaanam gataH = vanishing, gone into.
On taking a decision Vishnu took leave of Forefather Brahma, and vanished while he is still being extolled by gods and sages. [1-16-10]
ततो वै यजमानस्य पावकात् अतुल प्रभम् |
प्रादुर्भूतम् महद्भूतम् महावीर्यम् महाबलम् || १-१६-११
प्रादुर्भूतम् महद्भूतम् महावीर्यम् महाबलम् || १-१६-११
11. tataH vai yajamaanasya = then, verily, performer of ritual, [Dasharatha's]; paavakaat atula prabham = [from] ritual fire, with unparalleled, resplendence;praadurbhuutam mahat bhuutam = emerged, Divine, Being; mahaa viiryam mahaa balam = greatly, vigorous, greatly, energetic.
Then, from Fire of Altar Dasharatha's ritual there emerged a greatly vigorous and energetic Divine Being with an unparalleled resplendence, called yajna puruSa. [1-16-11]
कृष्णम् रक्ताम्बर धरम् रक्ताअस्यम् दुन्दुभि स्वनम् |
स्निग्ध हर्यक्ष तनुज श्मश्रु प्रवरम् ऊर्धजम् || १-१६-१२
स्निग्ध हर्यक्ष तनुज श्मश्रु प्रवरम् ऊर्धजम् || १-१६-१२
12. kR^iSNa rakta ambara dharam = black, red, garments, clad in; rakta aasyam = red faced; dundubhi svanam = drum-beat like, voiced; snigdha haryakSa tanuuja shmashru pravaram uurdha jam = with his soft hair, like mane of lion, moustaches and head hair.
He is clad in black and red garments and his face is red and his voice resembled the drumbeat. His moustache and hairdo are soft like that of a lion's mane. [1-16-12]
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