Tuesday 11 September 2012

Money Can't Buy You Love

Money Can't Buy You Love-3 Steps to Start the Discovery
Find out what you think and how you feel about money. Take out a notepad and pen and write down your answers to the thoughts below.

1. Check your beliefs: do they serve you or hold you back?
What were your family's beliefs about money when growing up? What are their beliefs today? Ask yourself how your friends feel about money. Listen to your self talk about money. Is it that you cannot afford something or that you ask "how can I afford it"? It is said that what you focus on expands, that which you give energy to will grow. Remember, that this principle applies to positive and negative energy alike. What are your beliefs? Do they serve you well or hold you back?

2. Take stock: where am I today?
Making changes in any area of our lives begins with taking inventory of where we are? Where are you financially? What are your assets and your liabilities? What is your credit rating? How much money do you make, how much do you spend and how much do you save? How well do you stick to your budget? Do you have an investment and/or retirement program? What is the health of your financial house?

3. Ask yourself: where do I want to go.
Do you want to retire early or not at all? Do you want to get by, be comfortable or be rich? Having a specific goal in mind is crucial. Be as clear and concise as you can. Remember, goals are not written in stone but are fluid and develop and grow with us. Without a clear goal it is difficult to follow a map or use any tools that might be available to you. 

Take stock of where you are today and where you want to go. Start this process today, start now.

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