Saturday 16 February 2013

February 16,2013.Day 94. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties 

Chapter [Sarga] 2

स तु तीरम् समासाद्य तमसाया मुनिः तदा |
शिष्यम् आह स्थितम् पार्श्वे दृष्ट्वा तीर्थम् अकर्दमम् || १-२-४
4. saH tu = he [Valmiki,] but; muniH tadaa = sage, then; tamasaayaa = of Tamasa; tiiram sam aasaadya = riverbank, drawing nigh of; a kardamam= not, filthy; tiirtham = strand [n. esp. poet. the margin of a sea, lake, or river, esp. the foreshore]; dR^iSTva = on beholding; paarshve sthitam shiSyam aaha = at his side, available, to disciple, spoke to.
Then Valmiki drew nigh of River Tamasa's riverbanks, and on beholding an un-filthy strand of that river, he spoke to his disciple available at his side. [1-2-5]
अकर्दमम् इदम् तीर्थम् भरद्वाज निशामय |
रमणीयम् प्रसन्न अम्बु सन् मनुष्य मनो यथा || १-२-५
5. bharadwaja; san manuSyaH manaH yatha= noble, man's, bosom [heart,] as with; a kardamam = not, filthy; prasanna ambu = with pleasant, waters; ramaNiiyam = heart pleasing; idam tiirtham = this, watery foreshore; nishaamaya = you behold.
"Oh! Bharadwaja, un-filthy is this watery foreshore, and with pleasant waters it is heart pleasing... like a noble man's heart... behold it... [1-2-5]
न्यस्यताम् कलशः तात दीयताम् वल्कलम् मम |
इदम् एव अवगाहिष्ये तमसा तीर्थम् उत्तमम् || १-२-६
6. taata = my dear; nyasyataam kalasaH = be kept [there,] handy-vessel [kamanDulu]; mama = to me; valkalam diiyataam = jute loincloth, be given; idam = this; uttamam = best one; tamasa tiirtham eva = Tamasa, ford, only; avagaahiSye = I will enter.
"Keep that handy-vessel there, and give me my loincloth... I will enter only this best ford of Tamasa River... [1-2-6]

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