Tuesday 29 January 2013

What Every Man Wants......

Men want three As and a S 
All men want these things to stay happy in a relationship

It's said more often than once that
 women are very difficult to understand. But men are no less difficult. They often take a right about turn leaving a woman in lurch wondering what went wrong. Quite at a wrong time and unpredicted too.

So..what keeps these men happy? Surely not diamonds. Beer and boobs? Well...though they can never have enough of them, that's not what keeps them going in a

They want 3 As and 1 S.

1. Appreciation
2. Acknowledgement
3. Affection
4. Space

All men want to be appreciated. Sometimes even more than a woman. And this appreciation, unfortunately, doesn't end in the living room or dining table. They want to be appreciated for their performance in bed as well. In fact, that boosts their ego more than a woman saying -'wow you look dapper in that suit'.

Acknowledge what they have done for you. This, actually, is an extension of the first one. But acknowledging small things that they have done for you gives their morale and ego a great boost. If he makes coffee when you have a breakfast, or clears the table after the dinner, thank him and acknowledge his deeds - if possibly in front of others as well!

Don't think men don't like to be nurtured. Well...their way could be different than a woman's. They might just head for your booty minute they enter the house after a hard day. That's THEIR way of saying - 'honey, I need you!' They want to be cuddled and pampered, but just in little doses. They want to know you care for them. Show it in subtle ways like making his evening drink before he asks for it or ask him if he wants a massage if he looks particularly tired one evening.

The S factor plays an important role: SPACE. All men cherish their own space. Their own time, be it reading or watching TV, is important. Also, it's important that they go on guy dates. Just wiling away time with his friends is as important to him as shopping is with BFF is to a woman. Give him his space and he will dote on you for life.
by Shruti Pandit,TNN on Jan 16,2013

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