Monday 4 February 2013

February 4,2013.Day 83. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties : Chapter 1(Continued)

अश्वमेध शतैः इष्ट्वा तथा बहु सुवर्णकैः || १-१-९४
गवाम् कोट्ययुतम् दत्त्वा विद्वभ्यो विधि पूर्वकम् |
असंख्येयम् धनम् दत्त्वा ब्राह्मणेभो महायशाः || १-१-९५
94b, 95a. mahaa yashaaH = highly, illustrious [Rama]; ashvamedha shataiH = Horse Rituals, hundreds; tathaa = like that; bahu suvarNakaiH = plenteous, gold [rituals in which plenty of gold is donated]; iSThvaa = on performing; gavaam koTi ayutam = cows, in crores [millions,] ten thousand; a sankhyaayam = not, countable; dhanam = wealth; braahmaNebhyaH = to Brahmans; vidvabhyaH = to scholars; vidhi puurvakam = customarily; dattvaa= on donating; [brahma lokam gamishhyati = to Brahma's, abode, he will proceed.]
"On performing hundreds of Horse-Rituals and rituals wherein plenteous gold is bounteously donated, likewise on donating millions of cows and uncountable wealth to Brahmans and scholars, that highly illustrious Rama will proceed to Brahma's abode, in future... [1-1-94b, 95a]
By the wording 'highly illustrious...' Govindaraja tells that 'for a small criticism from a small fellow, Rama deserted his wife... hence he is illustrious...' Then 'he will go to Brahma's abode...' a repeated expression, indicates that this epic is composed during Rama's time as he also gave an ear to it through Kusha and Lava, so his journey to heaven will happen henceforth from now.

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