Friday 31 May 2013

May 31,2013.Day 158. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

                   Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties            ASHVA-MEDHA BEGUN; 

Chapter [Sarga] 13

भवान् स्निग्धः सुहृन् मह्यम् गुरुः च परमो महान् |
वोढव्यो भवता च एव भारो यज्ञस्य च उद्यतः || १-१३-४
4. bhavaan snigdhaH suhR^it mahyam = you are, friendly, kind-hearted, to me; paramaH mahaan guruH cha = very, reverent, royal priest, also;yaj~nasya udyataH bhaaraH = ritual's, upheaved, burden; bhavata eva voDhavyaH = by you, alone, that shoulder it.
"You being my very reverent royal priest are friendly and kind-hearted to me, and you alone shall shoulder the burden of the commenced ritual in all good faith and credence. [1-13-4]
तथा इति च स राजानम् अब्रवीत् द्विजसत्तमः |
करिष्ये सर्वम् एव एतत् भवता यत् समर्थितम् ||१-१३-५
5. dwija sattama = Brahman, the reverent; saH = he, Sage Vashishta; bhavataa yat samarthitam = by you, that which, is requested, or decided;etat = all that; sarvam tathaa kariSye = all, accordingly, I will make happen; iti raajaanam abraviit = thus, to king, said.
Then that reverent Brahman Vashishta said to king, "Whatever that is requested or decided by you, I will see that all of them are materialised accordingly. [1-13-5]

ततोऽब्रवीत् द्विजान् वृद्धान् यज्ञ कर्मसु निष्ठितान् |
स्थापत्ये निष्ठिताम् च एव वृद्धान् परम धार्मिकान् || १-१३-६
कर्म अन्तिकान् शिल्पकारान् वर्धकीन् खनकान् अपि |
गणकान् शिल्पिनः च एव तथा एव नट नर्तकान् || १-१३-७
तथा शुचीन् शास्त्र विदः पुरुषान् सु बहु श्रुतान् |
यज्ञ कर्म समीहन्ताम् भवन्तो राज शासनात् || १-१३-८
इष्टका बहु साहस्री शीघ्रम् आनीयताम् इति |
उपकार्याः क्रियन्ताम् च राज्ञो बहु गुणान्विताः || १-१३-९
6,7,8,9. tataH abraviit dwijaan vR^iddhaan = then [Sage Vashishta,] spoken to, to Brahmans, elderly scholars; yaj~na karmasu niSTitaan = in ritual performance, proficient persons; vR^iddhaan parama dhaarmikaan = elderly experts, very, virtuous ones; sthaapatye niSTitaam cha eva = to architects, proficient ones, thus; karma antikaan = supervisors; shilpakaraan = brick makers; vardhakiin = carpenters; khanakaan api = earth-diggers, too; gaNakaan = accountants; shilpinaH cha eva = sculptors, also, thus; tatha eva = like that only; naTa = actors; nartakaan = dancers; tathaa suchiin shaastra vidaH puruSaan = thus, flawless, scriptures, scholars, to those men; su bahu shrutaan = well, many, heard [well-read in Vedas]; bhavantaH = by you all; raaja shaasanaat = by king's order; yaj~na karma = ritual, performance; samiihantaam = be organised; iSTakaa bahu sahasrii = bricks, many, thousands; shiighram aniiyataam iti = quickly, be brought, thus; raajaanaam = for kingly [guests]; bahu guNaanvitaa = very many, facilities included;upakaaryaH kriyantaam cha = royal palaces [guest houses,] be built, also.
Then Sage Vashishta then summoned and spoke to elderly Brahman scholars, and elderly architects who are all proficient and elderly experts in conducting the construction of the ritual hall etc. Then summoned are the construction supervisors, brick-makers, carpenters, earth-diggers, accountants, and sculptors. So also the actors and dancers are summoned. Thus flawless scholars in scriptures and those men who are well read in Veda-s, are called and he addressed them saying, "Performance of the ritual be organised by the order of the king. Bricks in many thousands be brought quickly and royal palaces as temporary guesthouses be built for the kingly guests, with very many facilities included in them. [1-13-6,7,8,9]
A detailed description of the components of Vedic ritual hall is given at the endnote of next chapter, wherein King Dasharatha enters. Vedic ritual cannot be performed in ordinary households or in small temples. A very large place is selected, as per architectural science, and at its centre a homa kunda, an altar of fire will be constructed. This area will not have any roofing so as to let the vapours of oblations of ghee, sandalwood paste and others offered into the fire of altar, get into the atmosphere and thereby to Heavens. Around this altar of fire, huge sheds will be constructed to accommodate thousands of participants and onlookers. Apart from this, mammoth kitchens and dining halls are to be constructed as all of the thousands of participants, who are to be fed as long as ritual is conducted. Some of the many tradesmen are listed in a bird's eye view as above.
The content of this page has been taken from

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