Thursday 9 May 2013

May 9,2013.Day 153. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
Dasaratha readies to perform Asvamedha ritual

Chapter [Sarga] 12


King Dasharatha requests the Sages to conduct the Vedic ritual for which the sages indent paraphernalia, which the ministers are ordered to supply forthwith. This chapter is almost a replication of chapter 8, excepting the inclusion of references to Sage Rishyasringa who by now is available in Ayodhya.
ततः काले बहु तिथे कस्मिन् चित् सुमनोहरे |
वसन्ते समनुप्राप्ते राज्ञो यष्टुम् मनोऽभवत् ||१-१२-१
1. tataH = later; bahu tithe kale = after lapse of some time; kasmin chit vasante = on one, spring season; samanupraapte = on the arrival of that spring; raaj~naH = to the king; yaSTum = to perform ritual; manaH = mind; abhavat = happened, [desired].
After a lapse some time when spring season has come the king Dasharatha desired to perform the Vedic ritual. [1-12-1]
ततः प्रणंय शिरसा तम् विप्रम् देव वर्णिनम् |
यज्ञाय वरयामास संतान अर्थम् कुलस्य च || १-१२-२
तथ इति च स राजानम् उवाच वसुध अधिपम् |
2. tataH = then; deva varNinam = like deity, in glow; tam vipram = at that Brahmana - Rishyasringa; shirasaa = [by suppliantly bowing his] head;prasaadya = having convinced; kulasya santaana artham = for dynasty's, unending [progeny,] to beget; yaj~naaya = to conduct ritual; varayaamaasa = [the king] beseeched.
Then bowing his head before that Brahmana sage Rishyasringa whose is glow is like that of a deity, King Dasharatha verily beseeched that sage to conduct Vedic ritual on his behalf as he wished to beget progeny to maintaining his family line. [1-12-2]
संभाराः संभ्रियन्ताम् ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम् || १-१२-३
सरव्याः च उत्तरे तीरे यज्ञ भूमिः विधीयताम् |
3. su satkritaaH = well honoured; saH = he, the Sage Rishyasringa; tatha iti cha = 'thus only'; raajaanam = to the king; uvaacha = said;sambhaaraaH = paraphernalia; sambhriyantaam = be garnered; vimuchyataam = be released; te turagaH cha = your, ritual horse, also.
Sage Rishyasringa who by now is well-honoured by the king said to the king, "So it shall be, let the paraphernalia for ritual be garnered and let your ritual horse be released as a prerogative." [1-12-3]
ततो अब्रवीत् नृपः वाक्यम् ब्राह्मणान् वेद पारगान् || १-१२-४
सुमंत्र आवाहय क्ष्षिप्रम् ऋत्विजो ब्रह्म वादिनः |
सुयज्ञम् वामदेवम् च जाबालिम् अथ काश्यपम् || १-१२-५
पुरोहितम् वसिष्ठम् च ये च अन्ये द्विज सत्तमाः |
4, 5. tataH = then; raaja = the king; mantri sattamam = to minister, the best; sumantram = to Sumantra; vaakyam = these words; abraviit = said;kshipram = swiftly; brahma vaadinaH = Vedic scholars; ritwijaH = Vedic ritual-conductors; suyaj~nam = Sage Suyajna; vaamadevam = Sage Vaamadeva; jaabaalim = Sage Jaabali; atha = and; kaashyapam = Sage Kaashyapa; purohitam = the priest; vashiSTham cha = Sage Vashishta, too; cha = further; ye cha = and those; anye = other; dwija sattamaaH = Brahmana, the scholars; aavaahaya = invite.
Then King Dasharatha said to his best minister Sumantra, "Let the Vedic scholars and ritual conductors like Sages Suyajna, Vaamadeva, Jaabaali, and Kaashyapa, along with the family priest Vashishta, as well as other Vedic Brahmans that are there, they all be invited swiftly..." [1-12-4, 5]
The content of this page has been taken from

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