Saturday 4 May 2013

May 4,2013.Day 148. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
Dasaratha brings Rishyasringa to Ayodhya

Chapter [Sarga] 11

श्रुत्वा राज्ञोऽथ तत् वाक्यम् मनसा स विचिंत्य च |
प्रदास्यते पुत्रवन्तम् शांता भर्तारम् आत्मवान् || १-११-६
6. aatmavaan = benevolent soul - Romapada; raaj~naH tat vaakyam shrutvaa = king's, [Dasharatha's,] that, word, on hearing; manasaa vichintya= at heart, considered; atha = then; putravantam = one who has son / or, one who endows sons; shaanta bhartaaram = Shanta's, husband; pradaasyate = will give - agrees.
"On hearing those words of king Dasharatha that benevolent soul Romapada, the king of Anga, considers heartily and agrees to send the one who endows progeny by rituals, namely Sage Rishyasringa his son-in-law. [1-11-6]
The words pradaasyate putravantam are read in some translations as 'Rishyasringa who already has a son...' while others read it as 'a sage who endows progeny by putra kameSTi ritual...' But in Maha Bharata father Vibhandaka says to Rishyasringa to comeback after begetting a son, which Rishyasringa did not concede. So taking this some say Rishyasringa has a son. But it is generally accepted that putravantam as aahitaagni, Vedic ritualist of eminence, according to: jaata putraH kRishNa kesho agniin adhiita... according to shruti scripture.
प्रतिगृह्यम् च तम् विप्रम् स राजा विगत ज्वरः |
आहरिष्यति तम् यज्ञम् प्रहृष्टेन अंतरात्मना || १-११-७
7. saH raajaa = he, that king [Dasharatha]; pratigR^ihyam tam vipram = on receiving, him, Brahman [Rishyasringa]; vigata jwaraH = rid of, fever - uneasiness; pra hR^iSTena antaraatmana = very felicitousness, in depths of heart; tam yaj~nam = that, Vedic ritual; aahariSyati = will accomplish.
"On receiving that Brahman, Sage Rishyasringa, at the behest of his father-in-law, that king Dasharatha gets rid of his febrile condition and will accomplish that Vedic ritual, feeling very felicitous in the depths of his heart. [1-11-7]
तम् च राजा दशरथो यशस् कामः कृतांलिः |
ऋष्यशृङ्गम् द्विज श्रेष्ठम् वरयिष्यति धर्मवित् || १-११-८
यज्ञार्थम् प्रसवार्थम् च स्वर्गार्थम् च नरेश्वरः |
लभते च स तम् कामम् द्विज मुख्यात् विशांपतिः || १-११-९
8,9. raajaa = that king; yashaH kaamaH = glory, desiring one; dharama vit = virtue, knower of; nara iiswara = peoples' lord; dasharathaH = king Dasharatha; kR^ita anjaliH = with adjoined-palms; dwija sreSTam = Brahman, the best - Rishyasringa; yajna artham = for ritual, intending to; prasava artham cha = for progeny, intending, also; svarga artham cha = for heavenly abodes, also; vara ishyati = to request, he is inclined; saH vishaam patiH = he that, to [all the] quarters of earth, king of - king [Dasharatha]; dvija mukhyaat = by Brahman, eminent; labhate tam kaamam cha = accomplishes, those, desires, also.
"That king, the desirer of glory, the knower of virtue and the lord of people, namely Dasharatha will be requesting that best Brahman Rishyasringa with his palms adjoined in supplication for the conduct of ritual, for progeny and even for his heavenly abodes, and that king of all the quarters of earth will accomplish those desires from that eminent Brahman Rishyasringa. [1-11-8,9]
Heavenly abodes are dependent on begetting sons: aputrasya gatir naasti svargo naivaca naivaca There is no way out [in other worlds] for those without sons...shruti scripture. Hence the request of Dasharatha is that way.
पुत्राः च अस्य भविष्यन्ति चत्वारो अमित विक्रमाः |
वंश प्रतिष्ठानकराः सर्व बूतेषु विश्रुताः || १-११-१०
10. putraaH cha asya bhaviSyanti = sons, also, to him [Dasharatha,] will be; chatvaaraH amita vikramaaH = four [in all,] abounding, in valour;vamsha pratishtaana karaaH = dynasty's, reputation, enriching ones; sarva bhuuteSu vishrutaaH = among, all beings, renowned ones.
"There will be four sons to king Dasharatha that abound with valour, enrich dynasty's reputation and they will be renowned among all beings." Thus said Sage Sanat Kumara to other sages. [1-11-10]
'Sons and Paradise are intimately connected in Indian belief. A man desires above every thing to have a son to perpetuate his race, and to assist with sacrifices and funeral rites to make him worthy to obtain a lofty seat in heaven or to preserve that which he has already obtained.' Gorresio via Ralph T. H. Griffith [1870-1874].
The content of this page has been taken from

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