Tuesday 1 January 2013

Weight loss diet rules to avoid

Switch on the television, or flip through any health magazine, and you'll be bombarded with endless weight-loss tips and diet plans.
If these diet rules are to be believed, then all carbs are bad, only tasteless food is healthy, and drinking special shakes or green teas is the only way to lose weight. But don't go believing everything you read. Today we're looking at the top weight loss diet rules that you must take with dollops of salt. Let's get started!

Diet rule to avoid: 'Never eat after 6 p.m.'
This idea originated from the belief that one shouldn't eat for at least three hours before hitting the sack, considering 9-10 p.m as the common bedtime. Eating late at night has hardly anything to do with weight gain; in fact it has more to do with bloating, and indigestion. Going to sleep with a heavy stomach might make sleeping uncomfortable as the body will hardly be exerting any energy to digest the food. Our biological clock will metabolize calories even after 7 p.m.

Diet rule to avoid: 'Always go for fat-free foods.'
Today, everything has a fat-free version, right from ice creams to chocolates to donuts. But it is not advisable to always go gaga over fat-free versions. Know why? Because most of the fat-free foods have empty calories, right from processed cookies to chips and crackers. You won't be any thinner by eating them. After all, it is not only the dietary fat, which plays havoc on your health routine and weight gain issues, but excess of calories too. The trick lies in making smart food choices and not only fat-free food choices.

Diet rule to avoid: 'Burn every calorie you consume by exercising it.'
Overdoing the calories consumed and burnt ratio can be deadly. This practice leads to a condition called 'exercise anorexia' and isn't healthy as it can lead to exhaustion, injuries and delayed weight loss among other health conditions. Don't forget the fact that your body is constantly burning calories, even when you are not physically active.

Diet rule to avoid: : 'Exercise by doing daily activities and forget the gym.'
You should, as a matter of fact, add more physical activity to your daily routine. By this, we don't mean that you can ditch the standard advice of exercising for 30-60 minutes at least 3-6 times a week. Taking the stairs and ditching the lifts, playing a physically active video game, and doing daily household chores are highly recommended, but they shouldn't substitute your exercise routine.

Diet rule to avoid: 'Skipping meals is sensible.'
Many people tend to follow the false myth of eating fewer meals in a bid to speed up their weight loss spree. But this is an unhealthy practice. If you go without food for a longer period of time, you will be quite hungry by the time you reach your next meal, which will eventually throw all your healthy eating plans out of the window. Don't let your body go into starvation mode and eat before you start feeling hungry, at carefully planned meal times.

Diet rule to avoid: 'Eating low-carb is the only way to stay fit.'
Cabs are an important source of food for your body as they are a must for safe and steady weight loss. Your diet should be based on the principle that if good carbs are chosen wisely they can aid in weight loss by keeping you full longer and maximizing healthy living. Your diet should also allow resistance starch, which helps in upping the body's glucose levels while keeping us full for longer - thus reducing appetite the healthy way.
By Mansi Kohli, Health Me Up


    HUMAN FOOD; Meat, veggies, fruits, nuts. NONHUMAN FOOD; Dairy from other animals, wheat and grains, potatoes, processed sugar and processed leftovers.

    Our healthy food chart is equivalent to the diet farmers put there livestock on to fatten them up. Of course, it's logical, our ancestors were fit and thrived for ages off the HUMAN FOOD list. It wasn't until we got introduced to the wheat and grain(which makes our brains smaller), dairy(after first years of life), and processed foods that we all got fat and unhealthy. This isn't about indulging, its about discipline. Ask yourselves, what do we truly put into our sacred temples(body) and what does it really do to us. There is NO REAL SCIENCE to back up grains and wheat as healthy for us. It was purely politics that imbedded that lie into us. But of course, they don't want our brains to continue growing and for us to continue evolving. It's working for the week willed. I refuse to allow my body, mind and health to fall into regression. I am the golden seed and so is mine family. This is more than about health this is about spirituality. What would your ancestors have wanted you to consume. Inbox me for more info and motivation in regards to the REAL HUMAN DIET

    FACT #15: You can eat all you want with out restrictions as long as your diet consists of only meat, fat from the meat, veggies, fruits and nuts. The pounds will melt right off your body(no extra exercise needed). If you really must fry your meat make sure its in healthy oil, like olive oil.

    FACT #37: Eating grains and wheat results in smaller and weaker face bones, therefore making it impossible to hold a big brain up. This results in a smaller brain for you and your offspring and not enough room in the jaw to hold the wisdom teeth without the excruciating pain. Muscles become smaller, and everything you eat is like eating sugar because the grains retain all the nutrients from other foods(&doesn't allow ur body to absorb them) and forces your body to store it rather then letting the human food burn itself on its own.
    You can be the most overfed person and yet the most undernourished

    My family all comes from Mexico, they couldn't afford wheats, grains and dairy. They lived off meat, cactus, fruits and vegies and nuts here and there. Ya best believe my dentist told me I got ZERO wisdom teeth to get pulled out. I never had them and I'll never get them because of my genetics. Now some of the new generations of my family got those issues because of the new diets our parents endured in the states. However, they still got strong genes for the dominant traits due to the fact that we are mostly all first generation from our family that came straight from Mexico. Put those genes to good use.
    Plus, I have about 10% more muscle mass than I'm suppose to for my height. I ow it to the way my mama ate.

  2. These diet rules are amazing and this is very useful for me. To get more effective results also take Weight Loss Supplements
