Sunday 14 April 2013

April 14,2013.Day 137. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties

 Chapter [Sarga] 8
King Dasharatha proposes Vedic ritual for progeny

तथा इति च अब्रुवन् सर्वे मंत्रिणः प्रतिपूजिता |
पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तद् वाक्यम् यथा पूर्वम् निशंय ते || १-८-१९
१९ब्, २०अ. ते सर्वे मन्त्रिणः = those, all, ministers; पार्थिव इन्द्रस्य तत् वाक्यम् = king's, the best one's, that, word; निशम्य = on listening; प्रतिपूजिता = adored him; यथा पूर्वम् = as, earlier [ as has been conducted]; तथा = that way [this will also be conducted]; इति = thus; च अब्रुवन् = also, said [assured.]
On listening the words of the king all the ministers adored and assured him saying, 'It will be conducted faultlessly as has been conducted earlier...' [1-8-19b, 20a]
तथा द्विजाः ते धर्मज्ञा वर्थयतो नृपोत्तमम् |
अनुज्ञाताः ततः सर्वे पुनर् जग्मुर् यथा आगतम् || १-८-२०
२०ब्, २१अ. धर्मज्ञा = virtue knowers; ते द्विजाः = those, Brahmans; तथा वर्थयतः नृपोत्तमम् = enhancing [his royal stature,] of that king; ततः अनुज्ञाताः = then, permitted; सर्वे यथा आगतम् = all, as they have come; पुनः जग्मुः = again, went away.
On hearing those words of that best king, and what that is spoken earlier, then the virtue knowing Brahman scholars hailing that best king took leave of him and wentaway as they have come. [1-8-20b, 21a]
विसर्जयित्वा तान् विप्रान् सचिवान् इदम् अब्रवीत् |
ऋत्विग्भिः उपसंदिष्टो यथावत् क्रतुर् आप्यताम् || १-८-२१
२१ब्, २२अ. ततः = then; विसर्जयित्वा = sending off; सर्वे = all; तान् = them; विप्रान् = Brahmans; सचिवान् इदम् अब्रवीत् = to ministers, this, said;ऋत्विग्भिः = by the Vedic scholars; उपसंदिष्टः = as advised; यथा वत् क्रतुः आप्यताम् = procedurally, ritual, be conducted
Then on sending off those Brahman scholars, the king spoke this way to the ministers... "As advised by the Vedic scholars this ritual shall be conducted, procedurally..." [1-8-21b, 22A]

इति उक्त्वा नृप शार्दूलः सचिवान् समुपस्थितान् |
विसर्जयित्वा स्वम् वेश्म प्रविवेश महामतिः || १-८-२२
२२B, २३अ. महा मतिः नृप शार्दूलः = highly intelligent, kingly tiger Dasharatha; समुपस्थितान् = who are in audience; सचिवान् = to misters; इति उक्त्वा= thus, on saying; विसर्जयित्वा = sent them off; स्वम् वेश्म प्रविवेश = his, palace, entered.
Tha tigerly-king and highly intellectual Dasharatha, on saying thus to his ministers who are still in his audience, sent away those ministers also, and he entered his palace. [1-8-22b, 23a]
ततः स गत्वा ताः पत्नीर् नरेन्द्रो हृदयंगमाः |
उवाच दीक्षाम् विशत यक्षेऽहम् सुत कारणात् || १-८-२३
२३ब्, २४अ. ततः = then; सः = he; नरेन्द्रः = the king, the best; हृदयंगमा = heartily dear ones; ताः पत्नीः = to them his wives; गत्वा = on approaching;उवाच = spoke; अहम् = I am; सुत कारणात् = sons, for the reason of; यक्ष्ये = performing ritual; दीक्षाम् विशत = vow, you enter;
And on approaching his wives, that best king's heartily dear ones, he said to them, " I am performing a Vedic ritual for the reason of begetting sons, and you all shall enter a vow..." [1-8-23b, 24a]
तासाम् तेन अति कान्तेन वचनेन सुवर्चसाम् |
मुख पद्मान् अशोभन्त पद्मानीव हिमात्यये || १-८-२४
२४ब्, च्. अति कान्तिनेन = most pleasing; वचनेन = by words [of king]; सुवर्चसाम् = already lustrous; तासाम् = their [the queens]; मुख पद्मानि = countenances, lotuses; पद्मान् इव = lotuses, like; तेन = by those [words of king]; हिमात्यये = dew-fall, clearance of; अशोभन्त = became more gleaming.
On hearing those words of the king, the lustrous countenances of the queens have become more gleaming, like the blooming lotuses after the clearance of dew-fall. [1-8-24b, c]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि कावे अष्टमः सर्गः

Thus, this is the 8th chapter in Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

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