Saturday 22 December 2012

December 22,2012.Day 38. Srimad Valmiki Ramayan - The First Epic Poem Of India. (Continued)

Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties : Chapter 1(Continued)

स तेषाम् प्रति शुश्राव राक्षसानाम् तथा वने || १-१-४४
प्रतिज्ञातः च रामेण वधः संयति रक्षसाम् |
ऋषीणाम् अग्नि कल्पानाम् दंडकारण्य वासीनाम् || १-१-४५
44b, 45. saH = he that Rama; raakshasaanaam vane = in demon's, forest - an abode of the demons; teSaam = their - of sages; tathaa = that way [saying, supplications of sages]; prati shushraava = in return, on telling them [promised, conceded to]; raameNa ca = by Rama, also; agni kalpaanaam = ritual fire-like, those in glow - sages; daNDaka araNya vaasinaam iSiiNaam = = in Dandaka, forest, dwellers of, to sages; samyati = in combat;raakshasaam = of all demons; vadhaH ca = elimination, also; prati j~naataH = to them, made known - promised by Rama.
"Rama conceded to the supplications of those sages of that forest, which forest has become an abode of demons, and Rama also promised those sages who are the dwellers of Dandaka forest, and whose glow is like that of the Ritual-fire, to eliminate all of the demons in combat... [1-1-44b, 45]
Vividly: 'the sages whose resplendence is like that of Ritual-fire and who are capable of living in that deadly forest only by their calibre of sageship, and who by themselves can eliminate those demons just by their ascetic capability, they wanted some divine medium to undertake that task of elimination, as that so-called divinity alone perpetrated these demons proffering all boons on those demons. And they spotted this Rama, even though he is in a peaceable get-up of a hermit, and as a family man is with his wife. But sages are aware about the real reality of this Rama and requested him alone, because they know why and what for Rama came this far, that too with Seetha. Thus, the sages of Dandaka forest really aid and abet this Rama, the eliminator of demons, and thus they collectively lead Rama and Seetha to the real place of action.'
The word asura is declined as asuuna raati iti asura... asu = life; ra= taker; i.e., life takers - demons, while the word sura is nectar consuming one, the divine. In later chapters of this canto, accounts are given as how these were created and named.

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