Sunday 23 December 2012

Peace of Mind Tips and Advice By Remez Sasson

Would you like to have some peace of mind in your life?
I am sure you would be happy to forget your troubles, problems and worries, and enjoy a few moments of inner calmness and freedom from obsessing thoughts.

What is peace of mind?

It is a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom.
It is a time when thoughts and worries cease, and there are no stress, strain or fears.
Such moments are not so rare.
They can be experienced, while being engaged in some kind of an absorbing or interesting activity, such as:
  • While watching an entertaining movie or TV program.
  • When being in the company of someone you love.
  • While being absorbed in reading a book.
  • While lying on the sand at the beach.
  • When you are on vacation, do you experience some sort of mental numbness? At this time, the mind becomes calmer, with fewer thoughts and fewer worries.
  • When you are deeply asleep, you are not aware of your thoughts, and therefore, you are in a state of inner peace.
Such activities, and similar ones, take away the mind from its usual thoughts and worries, replacing them with an experience of inner peace.
The question is, how to bring more peace of mind into our life, and more importantly, how to experience it in times of difficulties and ordeals.
You might also ask, whether it is possible to turn it into a habit, and enjoy it always and under all circumstances.
First, you need to learn to bring more moments of inner peace into your daily life. Later, you will be able to experience these moments in times of trouble or difficulties too, when you really need inner calmness and tranquility.
You can turn peace of mind into a natural habit, but to do so, some inner work is required. This work includes changing a few mental habits, improving your concentration, certain forms of meditation, and a few other means.
You can find articles and guidance about attaining peace of mind at this website, as well as a highly recommended special book completely dedicated to this subject, with guidance, advice and exercises.
Here are a few simple things that can help you:
  • Reduce the amount of time you read the newspapers or watch the news on TV.
  • Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people.
  • Don't hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing ill feelings and grievances hurts you and causes lack of sleep.
  • Don't be jealous of others. Being jealous means that you have low self-esteem and consider yourself inferior to others. Jealousy and low self esteem, often lead to lack of inner peace.
  • Accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries.
  • Learn to be more patient and tolerant with people and events.
  • Don't take everything too personally. A certain degree of emotional and mental detachment is desirable. Try to view your life and other people with a little detachment and less involvement. Detachment is not indifference, lack of interest or coldness. It is the ability to think and judge impartially and logically.
Every day, we face numerous inconveniences, irritations and situations that are beyond our control. If we can change them, that's fine, but this is not always possible. We must learn to put up with such things and accept them cheerfully.
You will also need to:
  • Let bygones be gone. Forget the past and concentrate on the present moment. There is no need to evoke unpleasant memories and immerse yourself in them.
  • Practice some concentration exercises. This will help you to reject unpleasant thoughts and worries that steal away your peace of mind.
  • Learn to practice meditation. Even a few minutes a day will make a change in your life.
Inner peace ultimately leads to external peace. By creating peace in our inner world, we bring it into the external world, affecting other people too.

he life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.
Norman Vincent Peale -

Discover how to quiet the constant chatter of your mind, and get rid of disturbing thoughts, anxiety, worries and negative thinking!

Learn how to turn inner peace into a habit, through simple mental exercises, change of attitude, and other effective means.

If you thought that inner peace is a state of weakness and passivity, you are wrong! You may lead a normal life, like everyone else, but at the same time enjoy a state of inner peace and inner strength that no external conditions can disturb.

The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
- James Allen -
  • Is your mind unquiet and uncontrolled?
  • Is your mind constantly bombarded by all kinds of thoughts?
  • Do your thoughts constantly pull your attention here and there, denying you of quietude and inner peace?
  • Do you find it difficult to focus your attention on one thing?
  • Do you worry a lot?
  • Are you overly anxious about everything, easily irritable and unable to rest?
  • These are the symptoms of an unquiet mind and of lack of inner peace.
  • You can change this situation, and this book teaches you how to do it.
Peace of mind is not reserved only for hermits and yogis living on the Himalayas or in far away places! You too, can experience and enjoy it, while living your day-to-day life!

You can live in a state of inner peace, even while leading an active and busy life.

Here is a book with guidance and advice you will not find anywhere else:
  • Learn how to stop the restlessness and constant chatter of your mind, and free yourself from the compulsion of incessant and unstoppable thinking.
  • Gain the skill of choosing the thoughts you want, and rejecting the thoughts you don't want.
  • Overcome impatience and anger, and learn to control your moods and state of mind.
  • Learn how to get rid of anxieties, stress, worries and negative thinking.
  • Guidance and advice for building a positive mindset.
  • Learn how to maintain a state of inner peace and detachment in your everyday life, and in difficult or unpleasant situations.
  • Get rid of the tendency to be upset by what people say or think about you.
  • Improve your concentration and your ability to control your thoughts.
  • Enjoy inner peace and a sense of freedom.
  • Learn special meditations for inner peace, and for clearing your mind of disturbing or unwanted thoughts.
  • Fill your life with a sense of happiness and bliss.
  • Guidance and advice for spiritual growth and for awakening the spirit within you.
  • Discover the Real You - Your "Inner I".
This book is for people who wish to improve the quality of their life, and who aspire for inner peace,
 sanity, and harmony in their daily life, at home and at work.
It is also of great value for people who wish to make progress on the path of spiritual growth and
meditation, and who aspire for deeper spiritual awareness.
Peace of Mind in Daily Life focuses on the practical steps for acquiring inner peace, with
advice, special exercises, meditations, and full guidance that you can implement right away.
This book is a complete course in one book, with instructions and working techniques, and
is the product of years of studying inner growth methods.
A book for people who wish to improve the quality of their lives, and who aspire for tranquility, sanity, and harmony in their daily life, at home and at work.
Learn how to quiet the endless chatter of your mind, avoid disturbing thoughts, and ger rid of negative thoughts and worries.

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